The reception is located on the ground floor of building A.
It is open Monday to Saturday (inclusive) from 8am to 12pm and from 1pm to 5pm. You can contact the reception by phone on +41 22 839 22 22.
Outside these hours, you can contact our caretaker service on +41 22 839 22 39.
Our Cité Jardin restaurant and pizzeria is located in the middle of the Cité Universitaire campus.
The restaurant is open Monday to Friday from 7am to 11pm.
The pizzeria is open Monday to Friday from 11am to 2.30pm and from 6.0pm to 11pm, and on weekends from 6pm to 11pm.
You can contact Cité Jardin by phone on +41 22 839 20 69.
Convenience store
The convenience store is located on the ground floor of building B. It is open every day until 10pm and sells a variety of products.
Contact number: +41 22 347 91 35
Laundry room
The laundry room is located on the ground floor of building B. It is open every day from 6.30am to 11pm. You can access the laundry room from the A-B common area or from outside. The room is equipped with commercial washing machines (7kg and over) and tumble dryers. They are very easy to use – all you need is your bank card.
Maintenance: Multiwasher Sarl. Contact number: 41 78 615 22 76
Under certain conditions, the Beau Soleil nursery welcomes children of residents and students. Children aged between two months and three years old are accepted.
The price is dependent on the parents’ income.
Further information is available from the Bureau d’information petite enfance, City of Geneva.
Postal service
Any post you receive will be put into your post box each day by someone from the Swiss Post Office. If you change your address or need your post to be redirected, please contact the post office at www.poste.ch/service-demenagement or by phoning +41 848 33 22 11. This service is only available for residents and not for short-term guests.
Parking spaces
Due to major renovations from January 2022, the Cité universitaire will no longer be able to sell subscriptions to people who do not use the buildings.
For any further information, please contact reception: guest@unige.ch
Cinécursus and Ciné-club
In collaboration with Mr. Abderrahmane Bekiekh, a specialist in images and cinema who works with the Division de la formation et des étudiants-es / Vie de campus de l'Université de Genève, the Cité universitaire is offering a film analysis program called "Cinécursus" in the form of a cinema lesson, every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 10pm.
Free entrance for resident of Cité universitaire uppon presentation of their digital resident card.
Every Sunday evening from 7:30pm to 9:30pm, the Ciné-club is open to residents of the Cité universitaire de Genève for a screening and discussion. Here's the upcoming program :
Session 1 : Sunday January 14th, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm International movie : LATCHO DROM (1993) GATLIF TONY
Session 2 : Sunday February 4th, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm Hong Kong :IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (2000) FA YEUNG NIN WA WONG KAR-WAI
Session 3 : Sunday February 24th, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm Indonesia: UNE FEMME INDONÉSIENNE (2022) ANDINI KAMILA
Session 4 : Sunday March 10th, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm Senegal : LE PRIX DU PARDON (2002) WADE MANSOUR SORA
Session 5 : Sunday April 7th, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm Japan : LA FEMME DES SABLES (1964) SUNA NO ONNA TESHIGAHARA HIROSHI
Session 6 : Sunday May5th, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm Czechoslovakia : MA FAMILLE AFGHANE (2021) MOJE SLUNCE MAD PAVLATOVA MICHAELA
Session 7 : Sunday June 2nd, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm Argentina : LES NOUVEAUX SAUVAGES (2014) SZIFRON DAMIAN
Location : Projection room (common area downstairs).
For more information please contact :
Abderrahmane Bekiekh
Tél. : + 41 78 767 88 00
Cité Bleue
After a full renovation, the « Cité Bleue » theater has reopened its door in March 2024 to introduce various artistic projects.
As a Resident of Cité universitaire de Genève, you may enjoy a 50% off discount and get access to punctual job offers. You may find all of these information on the website of Cité Bleue
Dark room
Located in the basement of building C, the dark room is for developing black and white film photos. We manage it in partnership with UNIGE’s Cultural Activities Department.
Cité residents, students or anyone else who is interested can buy their annual membership from reception. If you have any questions, please contact : arcug@unige.ch
Cité universitaire has a sauna open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 9pm. It is available for both residents and non-residents to use.
The reception sells semester-long subscriptions, as well as single tickets only during Reception opening hours.
We provide you with towels. We also give you a locker key in exchange for a CHF 25 deposit, which is returned to you at the end of your subscription.
Price (en CHF) | Student | Public |
Per Entry | 10.- | 20.- |
Semester | 80.- | 160.- |
The sauna is closed in July and August.
For more information, please contact reception :guest@unige.ch
Gentle exercise room
Since June 2021, room B6.33 has been used as a space for doing gentle exercise, such as yoga, Pilates, meditation and stretching. The room is free to use and reservations need to be made at reception during opening hours. The room is open from 8am to 10.30pm. We do not provide mats.
For more information, please contact reception : guest@unige.ch
Sports facilities
The Centre Sportif Universitaire (CSU) is located in the heart of the Cité Universitaire and offers several sports grounds including : a Beach Volleyball court, Squash courts, Padel Tennis courts, Tennis courts and Football courts (5vs5).
With the CSU hourly rental subscription, you can rent the court of your choice at affordable prices.
You can take out your subscription on the website of the University Sports Office
The CSU also has a refreshment bar offering refreshments at a reasonable price. It is open during the summer season at the following times
- Monday: 5pm to 8pm
- Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm.
The sports office of the University of Geneva also offers you a multitude of sports to discover!
Rates and registration conditions here